Tuesday, January 12, 2016

La Lumiere ..."The Light"

La Lumiere ..."The Light"

While exploring the City of Liege Belgium, I found La Lumiere, A center focused on helping people who are blind or visually impaired in the City of Liege Belgium. 

Pictured below is the sign outside the front door.  The text reads "la lumiere D'autres regards vers l'autonomie"..."Servie d'Accompagnement et Social"..."Centre de Readaptation Fonctionnelle et Basse Vision"..."Biblioteque Sonore et Braille"..."Aide a l'interation scolaire"..."Culture, Sports et Loisirs adaptes"
La Lumiere, Oeuvre Royale pour Aveugles et Malvoyants
To see more on the City of Liege Belgium, Click Here

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